If you want to keep good health, put 3 foods on the plate every day

To be in good health, you need to be aware and careful about eating. There are some foods that will keep your skin looking good; Digestion will also increase.

If you want to lose excess weight and maintain good health, then first of all you need a healthy and balanced diet.

Put foods on your diet that are good for your health and help you lose weight.

However, many of us do not know what kind of food we need to eat to keep our health good. Remember - you don't just have to eat, you need to know which foods contain enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are good for your body.

Today I will tell you about three foods that will help you control your weight and stay healthy.

You must eat these three foods at least once a day. You can eat these three foods for glowing skin and good digestion.

Let's find out about these three foods-

Green vegetables

Put green vegetables on your daily food list. Green vegetables contain antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals, which are essential for your body's immune system, good hair and skin. As green vegetables are rich in fiber, the stomach stays full for a long time. As a result, hunger is reduced and weight is reduced.


There are very few people who do not like to eat eggs. Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats. Eggs constantly raise HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of many diseases. One study found that eating eggs for breakfast reduced calories and reduced weight.


 Almonds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as healthy fats and antioxidants. It increases brain function and also protects against heart disease. Such as almonds, almonds, pesto, walnuts, etc. are rich sources of nutrients. Almonds are a low carbohydrate food.

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