10 minute cardio yoga workout for weight loss

like a bird on a tree
I'm just sitting here I got time
it's clear to see from up here
the world sees welcome to beautiful
Switzerland in the presence of the
magical snow-capped mountains of the
Swiss Alps I'm here today to take you
through a quick and super effective 10
minute cardio yoga workout this practice
is going to be all about speeding up
your metabolism and getting you into
that fat-burning zone to bring in
incredible physical results through
toning and cardio based movements
combined with a beautiful flow this
class will help you cultivate heat from
the inside out so if you're ready for a
quick and effective workout grab your
mat and let's begin
sometimes you need to
alright friends let's get started today
standing at the very top of your mat
with your feet together let's take a
deep breath in and reach both arms up to
the sky and then as you exhale diving
yourself all the way down to the floor
take a deep breath in and then step all
the way back into a plank position we're
going to start with our first exercise
for push-ups you're gonna take it all
the way down elbows are gonna point to
the back of the mat let's go for one and
push up two and three one more or great
job from here stepping forward with one
foot and then the other as you come back
over into your forward fold inhale
reaching both arms up to the sky as you
stand up exhale dive it back down step
back with your other foot plank position
for more push-ups let's take it down
four and three and two get nice and low
last one great job now step forward with
one foot and then the other forward fold
slowly roll up to standing inhale arms
up exhale just release the arms next to
the side of the body and one more breath
in inhale arms up this time exhale dive
it back down forward fold inhale
stepping back into plank position or
push-ups exhale four and three and two
now last one you're gonna come down and
then come into upward facing dog inhale
lift up open up through the chest of the
heart and then exhale pushing back
downward facing dog
great job take a second here just to
find that Center pressing those heels
down towards the mat stretch out the
back of the legs
now from here bend your knees you're
going to hop forward between your two
hands come up into halfway lengthen hop
back into plank and then downward dog
repeat that again so come into plank hop
forward extend the knees hop back to
downward dog let's keep going link
hop between your hands extending halfway
hopping back into plank
downward dog so keep going we go plank
we hop forward extend the knees bend the
knees blank downward dog you got this
link hop between your hands halfway lift
hop back into plank
downward facing dog last one hop between
your two hands halfway plank downward
facing dog
hold that downward dog for two breaths
here deep breath in exhale returning
back into plank position plank jacks all
you're gonna do is just hop out with the
feet hop back in out in out and keep
going and three and four and five out in
out in eight nine ten eleven keep going
twelve shoulders are staying exactly on
top of your wrist just hop out and in
last two and one
great job chaturanga dandasana opening
up into upward facing dog and exhale
push yourself back again finding that
downward facing dog
great job friends alright let's Bend
those knees hop between your two hands
inhale halfway exhale forward fold and
then slowly roll yourself up to standing
let's take another breath reaching both
arms up to the sky exhale hands to heart
just finding that Center through the
body inhale
exhale dive yourself all the way down
let's step back with your right foot
towards the back of your mat high lunge
finding your Center and your balance
here arms reaching up to the sky then
take the arms to the side exhale you're
just going to twist to the left and back
to Center twist Center twist Center so
your opposite arm comes forward as you
look over your left shoulder
keep going so just twist and back to
activating the oblique muscles toning
and strengthening your core and a lower
body let's hold the twist keeping your
right arm forward bring the right arm
all the way down as you reach your left
arm up to the sky into your twisted high
just stay here for a breath as we get
ourselves ready for our next exercise so
what you're gonna do is take your back
foot take that back knee and touch the
opposite elbow and then step back into
that twisted lunge so opposite elbow to
knee and open for two left elbow right
knee open first three engage the core
touch and four touch and five you're
almost there touch and six find that
balance your other hand stays grounded
on the floor three more bring it in and
open and nine and open last one bring it
in for 10 awesome job now from here
release that left hand to the floor and
then swing both arms up to the sky again
high lunge connecting with your core
reaching both arms up to the sky viewing
that activation and engagement in your
lower body in your quads and your glutes
from your hands come all the way down to
the mat and next exercise I'm going to
show you the first variation stepping
back to plank switching legs like foot
forward plank other foot between your
hands so you can keep going just
switching from one foot to the other or
go ahead and take your full lunge hop
switching one two three switch four jump
five six seven
take whatever variation you want eight
nine now landing with your right foot
forward left foot back so we're going
right into the other side once you've
found your balance you've found that
foot then take both arms up to the sky
high lunge now make sure you're doing
the other leg now arms up to the side
and then twist to the right for a one
work those obliques and to twist to the
right and three and four
keep your core strong and five right
knee on top of your ankle six twist
seven twist eight two more last one
great now twist to the right and then
take your left hand to the mat as your
right arm reaches up to the sky just
find that Center for a moment and then
we're going to go right into our next
exercise you're gonna touch your
opposite elbow to knee so right elbow is
going to touch that back left knee ready
take a deep breath in and exhale let's
touch that left knee right elbow for one
and open great job touch it in for two
and open try to get that physical
contact try to get that knee to the
chest and open bring it in and open so
all of the weight comes over to that
front foot that is where your balance is
held as well as on your left hand
keep going bring it in and open in and
open bring it in and open hold for a
breath and then big arm circle find that
Center both arms reaching up to the sky
high lunge Crescent lunge hold it here
feel that activation in your lower body
release the hands to the floor let's do
our lunch hops or switches so again a
variation is stepping forward like step
forward like or if you want to take it
up a notch
join me for our lunge hops ready switch
it up so keep going and stepping or hop
it out one two three four five jump six
don't stop seven eight nine ten
awesome job now stepping forward with
that back foot and then slowly rolling
yourself up to standing inhale big arms
reach up to the sky exhale dive it back
down forward fold inhale halfway exhale
bend your knees hop back to plank
chaturanga inhale opening into that
upward facing dog and exhale we release
into our downward facing dog this is
where we take a second to breathe to
find the breath this is only a ten
minute practice so we are not going to
be stopping or breaking this is your
resting pose here downward dog so enjoy
it take a deep breath in and then hop
between your two hands once you're ready
we're gonna make our way over it towards
a seated position on our mat coming all
the way down to your back extending both
legs and then opening the legs into
scissors arms reaching forward like
you're clapping your hands between your
legs and then clap over your head clap
between the legs over your head as you
switch and over keep switching the legs
and over clap it doing the legs over the
head between the legs over the head keep
going working those lower abs almost
there and reach and clap and reach and
clap and reach and clap keep going keep
lifting those shoulders off the mat so
try to look towards the front of your
mat the legs continuing to work
keep going clap over the head between
the legs over the head you're almost
done you guys do not stop keep breathing
keep going last one and you're done
great job all right make your way over
to our final position plank position
two variations here either just hold
your plank to finish up or follow me
let's do 30 seconds of mountain climbers
let's go keep going knee to chest 1 2 3
4 5 try to get as fast as you can but
keep those shoulders above your wrists
your knees are touching the chest each
time you're almost done
keep going last 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and 1
amazing job all right lift yourself up
to downward facing dog breathe that out
beautiful work you guys take a second
for yourself if you like you can go
ahead and walk forward towards the top
of the mat or you can stretch it out
here if you need to just do whatever
feels good to you forward fold
downward dog listen to your body take
another deep breath in exhale out let's
slowly roll up inhale reaching both arms
up to the sky and exhale bring your
hands to heart
amazing job congratulations on
completing our quick cardio workout I
send you all my love and we'll see you
namaste thanks so much for watching if
you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs
up and don't forget to click that
subscribe button to make sure you're
staying up-to-date on all of our new
yoga and fitness classes thanks again
and we'll see you soon

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