Foods That Increase Sexual Strength - Know That Your Life Will Use!

যৌন শক্তি বাড়ানোর খাবারগুলো-জেনে রাখুন সারা জীবন কাজে লাগবে!
Foods That Increase Sexual Strength - Know That Your Life Will Use!

Usually, the endocrine system is active in the body when the vitamins and minerals are balanced. And it regulates the production of estrogen and testosterone in the body. Estrogen and testosterone are essential for sex desire and performance.
Therefore, it is possible to get sex or sexual power only in the past. You may be surprised to know that modern medicine has not yet come up with a way to promote healthy sex. So nowadays, the story or medicine that promotes sex in the streets, in the streets, is nothing but deception. Many use the medicine or money to increase the power of the ritual; While sex temporarily enhances sex, it is more harmful to the body, more harmful to the sex life. Even though these sexes have been found to have temporary sex, they suffer permanent damage. However, there is talk of dependence on the floor of such a vezel that it is possible to improve sex in a natural way or in the usual way.
Let us know about some of the daily diets that will make the body have sex.

Prophet (pbuh) used to eat palm every day for breakfast at Hissebe. The palm's sexual power and wellness tonic work in Hessebe. So make it a practice to eat palm every day at breakfast.
Playing with palm with butter increases sexual power, along with enhances body composition and voice cleansing. This was his favorite meal of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Thirst is suppressed in the date palm. If fresh palm is not available then dry palm is sufficient.
If there was anything better than date palms, Allah would feed Maryam (AS) after the birth of Jesus. In the Qur'an in the Qur'an, Allah has commanded the Prophet Maryam to shake the palm branches, you will find fresh palm.
It turns out that there is no better food for date than the date palm.
Hakimgan writes that, by playing the date palm, the garbage in the body is excreted by the blood of the nephus - it is excreted in large quantities, and the wife's body is heated and daily energy is increased. The veins of the palm tend to soften and relieve the pain caused by "acne pain" as a result of delivery and vein cramps.

Honey and milk are the extracts of thousands of flowers and grains. All the doctors of the world will never be able to come together to produce such an extract.
Pleurisy, which plays together with butter and honey, benefits from inflammatory bowel disease and thickens the body.
Honey was very dear to the Prophet (pbuh).
Because, Allah says, it contains the cure for human diseases.
The rulers have recorded numerous benefits of honey. Pure honey contains all the ingredients for getting sex. Also, in the morning, empty stomach is used to chew honey through the tongue, removes the cuff, cleanses the stomach, removes excess contaminants from the body, opens the glands, normalizes the stomach, regains brain strength, regains energy in normal heat, increases urinary bladder stones. By eliminating, urine is normal, gas is emitted and appetite increases. Honey is also useful for paralysis.

Kolija The 
importance of kolija as a food in sex life is opiate Because, collage contains a lot of zinc. And this zinc increases testosterone hormone levels in the body. Hormone is not released from the pituitary gland if there is not enough zinc in the body. The hormone that is released from the pituitary gland helps in the production of testosterone. Moreover, the zygote eliminates the Aromatase enzyme. This enzyme helps the excess testosterone become estrogen. Estrogen is also a hormone needed for sex.

liver is like a cow gosateo lots of zinc. So you eat less fatty beef to make sex life more pleasing. For example, beef shoulders are low in fat, and junk is high. In these places, there are 6 milligrams of zinc in every 4 grams of meat.

Rasulullah (saw) said, O people! You eat garlic and treat it accordingly. Because, it cures disease.
According to doctors in Jamul Jawaom , garlic also has many benefits. Garlic boils well, initiates menstruation, releases urine / normal, excretes gas from the stomach, builds up sexual ability in dull people, increases semen, darkens semen of warm people, aids in stomach and bladder pain, asthma and tremor. It also helps in disease. However, the use of excess garlic is harmful for pregnant women. This garlic is also called Abe Hayat.
However, the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade the mosque to eat raw garlic.

Various seeds include
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, bean seeds, etc., which are essential for the body to produce monounsaturated fats and they produce beneficial cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is essential for sex hormones to function properly. Bean seeds contain lots of phytoestrogens. It increases your sexual desire and sexual ability. The Japanese use a lot of bean sprouts in food to increase sexual desire. Sunflower seeds like oatmeal and pumpkin seeds help raise hormones. It also increases your sexual desire. The oil that is contained in sunflower seeds does this. Pumpkin seeds are one of the best natural sources of zinc. This zinc increases testosterone levels. Pumpkin Beach has a lot to do with increasing your sexual desire.

are a food that is extremely beneficial for sexual health. Eggs contain a lot of vitamins B-1 and B-5, which regulate hormone activity in the body and help reduce stress. Have one egg for breakfast each morning. It will strengthen your body and increase your sexual ability.

was the most beloved of the drinks to the Messenger of Allah.
Scholars write, The secret is that milk produces rattan, removes the dryness of the body and quickly digests the place of food; By making semen, the appearance is red, removes unnecessary contaminants from the body and strengthens the brain.
This type of natural diet improves the availability of sex, which is high in animal fat. For example, pure milk, milk syrup, butter etc. Most people want to avoid fatty foods. But if you want to increase the amount of sex hormones in the body, then a lot of fatty foods are needed. However, these fats must be natural and saturated fats.

Marine fish
Seafood or oily fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are very beneficial for a healthy sex life. Marine fish contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids DHA O EPA increase dopamine in the body and stimulate brain stimulation. Playing oily and marine fish increases blood circulation in the body and secretes growth hormone. As a result, sexual health is good and sexual capacity is increased.

Oatmeal is
very effective as a diet to make oyster  sex life enjoyable. The oyster has a very high amount of zinc. Zinc increases sperm count and increases libido or sexual desire. Whether oyster raw or cooked, no matter how consumed, oyster plays an important role in enhancing sexual power.

Colorful fruits If
you want to keep getting sex, put colored fruits in your food list every day. Fruits like grapes, bananas, orange lemons, watermelons, peaches etc. are extremely beneficial for enhancing sexual ability. According to research by the Medical Team at the University of Texas, a man's diet list contains at least 20 milligrams of vitamin C, and his sperm quality improves. According to A&M University of Texas, watermelons increase sexual arousal in the body. They compared watermelon with the sexually stimulating drug Viagra.

Indian researchers, a kind of aphrodisiac compounds are secreted from jayaphala. Generally, this compound stimulates nerve cells and increases blood circulation. As a result, sexual desire increases. If you can eat coffee with coffee, then it is possible to get the two together.

Fresh Vegetables Vegetable
Fresh and formalin-free herbs are available in many purimines, along with many of the essential vitamins. Bed bugs contain a lot of magnesium. Magnesium increases blood circulation in the body. According to Japanese researchers, increased blood circulation in the body also increases sexual arousal. Bed herbs and various other herbs, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage. They contain folate, vitamin B and other antioxidants. In fact, fresh vegetables are very important for a healthy sex life.

Sweet potatoes 
Sweet potatoes are not only a good alternative to sugars, sweet potatoes are a very good 'sex' food. When the body receives beta-carotene in a vegetable, it converts it to vitamin A. This vitamin helps keep the size of the vagina and the uterus good. Moreover it also helps in the production of sex hormones.

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains a substance called phenylethylamine that causes excess sexual stimulation in the body. Studies show that drinking dark chocolate increases your attraction to your partner. Dark chocolate also has a large amount of antioxidants. So eat a 2-inch piece of cocoa dark chocolate every day with 5% cocoa. With just 5 calories a piece of this shape, extremely beneficial to your sexual health.

are called Calories, the deadliest drug of all kinds. It is a breastfeeding baby's breast augmentation and a well-established breast for the baby to maintain the balance of sex. Massage of kalizira oil for paralysis or paralysis and tremor diseases is amazing. Blackjack is a great medicine for patients with sexual disorders and neurological impairments. Extremely beneficial in colds, coughs, chest pains, airborne (acidic) diarrhea and obstetric diseases in the stomach. A good medicine for Bron. And it cures mucus, old fever, urinary bladder and pandemic (jaundice, jaundice). Moreover, it is hayge or more seasonal discharge in the bladder, bladder or excessive urine inhibitor and antimicrobial.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "You will use these blazers, as it contains all the sheafa (cure) of the disease, except the sole (death)." -Bukhari and Muslim

Coffee plays an important role in increasing your sexual desire. The caffeine contained in coffee keeps your sexual tastes just right.

almonds, cashew nuts, pasta nuts, etc. are essential for the body to have saturated fat. They guide the sex hormones that make up the cholesterol needed in the body. So try eating nuts every day, even if only a little. Sexual health will remain natural. Chinese nuts contain a lot of zinc. This zinc increases the sperm count and produces stronger sperm. If zinc is low, about 5 percent of the body produces less semen. Those who take less zinc in the body through diet, both the semen and testosterone concentration decreases. It is filled by eating nuts.

Asparagus helps to arouse sexual desire. If you want to increase sexual desire, you should eat natural foods that balance the hormones in the body. If you want to be fit for sex, start eating asparagus.

increases the function of the stomach, heart, and liver. Combining saffron with other medicines increases the effectiveness of the drug. This is a great highlight. There is no pair of saffron for the mind and the mind.

Joyful yatri and cinnamon are the most 
enriching enhancers. Sticks work for the elderly, especially for the elderly. The meat benefits the muscles and the pelvis.

Trafal is a type of fungus. Truffles contain the same material as a male hormone. This special chemical of truffle is used in some foods. As a result, women have increased libido or sexual desire toward men. For example, truffles are used in mashed potatoes.

Long pepper
increases the strength of the brain, enhances the stomach and spinal cord, increases vision power and removes the guilt of the cuff. Drinking vigorously with purple milk is beneficial. The tall pepper is also called the little peepal.

Avocado is seen as a female fruit because of its shape. It contains lots of Puremine, Vitamin B-Six and Potassium. Eating it increases sexual desire and sexual ability.

In the
human body, raisins are not compared to anything else with the increase of sexual orientation or sexual power. The grape fruit is transformed into a special process of Kissimmees. But from the point of the molasses, the contribution of Kissimmees to the grapefruit is immense.

Oatmeal Oatmeal 
contains lots of phytoestrogens. The grains in which the grains are covered have this quality. Such as wheat, rice, rye, etc. Phytoestrogen is very effective for your sex life.
However, due to some of the irregularities and misconduct of our News, sex power wasted in naturalistic situations (exceptions: rogue or accident). But that is not the kind of dishonest sex doctors, kabiraj, hakeem, herbal and nomadic storytellers who fall into the trap of lawlessness, will not have to deal with the destruction of natural sex. Therefore, to prove that sex life is sustainable today, one must be aware.

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