Coronavirus can spread from AC

Coronavirus infection and death toll are increasing rapidly in the global epidemic. Most countries are unable to control the virus. No one is going to be older than the child. In many ways the transmission of the deadly virus continues to increase.
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Coronavirus can spread from AC

How to spread the virus, it is learned that coronavirus can spread from AC. A recent study published in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Journal provided such information.
It is said that a man went to a family dinner at a restaurant in Guangzhou Province, China. More than a meter away, two more families sit at another table. There was AC in front of the tables.
Later, around the same time, all three families were infected with coronas. But no one touched any of them. It is believed that the virus has spread from AC.

Meanwhile, another study suggests that the cornea spreads through the droplet that is created due to sneezing. The droplet is about 3 micrometers in size. So it's about to be dropped in a meter. But because of the air flow in the AC, it can go far.
Coronavirus can spread from AC

In this regard, researchers have asked for some caution. They are:
=) Corona patients need to be kept somewhat away from where AC is located.
=) In a hospital where there is AC, the distance between two patients should be increased further.
=) In the case of department stores, you need to stay away from the AC blower when buying essential items.
=) Try not to run AC as much as possible. If you still have to run it, then it must be serviced.
In addition, if bacteria are closed for a long time, bacteria can accumulate in the air. In this case, leaving AC can spread diseases like pneumonia, sinusinocytosis in the cell. So open the door and window at any time of the day. So that the sun can come on.

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