Keep the lungs healthy against the corona

করোনা মোকাবিলায় ফুসফুস রাখুন সুস্থ
Keep the lungs healthy against the corona

The lungs are one of the most important organs of the human body. 
Corona virus has been the most damaging of the human organ recently spread around the world. Therefore, it is very important to ensure proper lung function to prevent coronary disease. But let's look at five ways to improve lung function and function-
Breathing exercises
Exercise breathing regularly to keep your lungs working. But do not watch on YouTube or social media, in this case, following the advice of a fitness expert, practice diaphragmatic braiding, parched lip braiding, various exercises, etc. It tightens the lung muscles, as well as increases the ability to hold air.
Cardio Exercise
Some of the most useful exercises to increase lung function are cardio exercises such as cycling, rowing, treadmills, etc. However, these exercises cannot be done for long. If you can do such exercises at intervals, the lungs will be strong. But before doing these exercises, talk to a doctor.
Drink water 
The amount of water is determined by the body's required ratio. Consult a doctor about exactly how much water you should be consuming. The relationship of the lungs with water is very deep. So drink water.
Quit smoking
The biggest enemy of lungs is smoking. The combination of nicotine and carbon causes extreme damage to the lungs. So in order to keep the lungs good, you should quit smoking.
Make changes in the sitting position 
According to research by the American University of Health Sciences, the lungs are susceptible to sitting or twitching or twitching or straight to the lungs. If such a practice is maintained for a long time, the lung cage becomes smaller. So practice sitting upright.
If you follow these small practices, the lungs will remain healthy.

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