Uterine tumor? Learn more about uterine tumors

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Uterine tumor? Learn more about uterine tumors

Insemination is an important part of girls. This is what we call Euteras. When a girl becomes an adult, menstruation occurs every month. When a husband and wife are together after a certain age, pregnancy becomes the main function of the uterus. Naturally, human life goes on in this rule. Beyond this, when something new happens in the uterus, a new flesh is formed — it's a tumor. These tumors are generally of two types, good and bad. When it is good, we call it benign tumor. And worse tumors are what we usually call cancer. Among the most common tumors of the uterus, fibroids, uterus or leukemia are the most common. The most common occurrence of this reproductive life in girls is fibroid ectasia or uterine tumors. So about the uterine tumor. Dr. The following is written by Humayun Kabir Himu.

Fibroid tumor of the body is cancer?
Fibroid is a common type of tumor in the body. Up to 20 percent of women may have fibroids in their body. The prevalence of fibroids is higher among women in the age group of 1 to 5 years. But the relief is that it is a tumor but not cancer. It does not have any adverse effects, such as cancer in the body. The tumor is less than one percent less likely to get cancer. In most cases, it is possible to treat it without surgery.

Where is

Basically women are fibroids in the uterus. Fibroids may develop in the uterine muscle and in the inner skin, in the mouth of the fallopian tube, along with the broadlegament and ovaries. It is believed that the formation of these fibroids may be related to estrogen hormone secretion in the body of the young woman. Because when estrogen is the most depleted in the body, fibroids are produced at the age of 25 to 4 years.
Again, menopause stops the growth of fibroids. Several problems can arise for fibroids. There may be discomfort in the body, premature abortion, menstrual problems, constipation, anemia, permanent infertility or temporary infertility, and urinary tract infections.


Excessive bleeding during menstruation, with sudden onset of bleeding after 3-5 days. The pallet felt heavy. Abnormal abdominal pain during menstruation. Symptoms like appetite, frequent urination, waist pain and watery legs can be seen when fibroids grow.


Expert Dr. Dr. Sumaiya said that if no symptoms were seen in the fibroid, it was not very large in size and it had no cancer. Because after menopause, the growth stops automatically. In this case the patient may need to give some medicines for menstrual problems. It is also possible to dry fibroids with hormone therapy.

Medical operations in complex situations. If the patient is younger, the tumor is simply cut off. The elderly and the family do not want to have children anymore, the uterus is cut off. If the doctor thinks you need to have an operation, it is better to delay the operation. Because, without operation, many complications can arise. Having a child with fibroids can lead to several problems. In order to prevent this problem, the expert doctor should be consulted. Fibroids need to be repaired after childbirth. Fibroid is removed during Caesar.

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